An Evening with Michael Kelly
R.H. Thomson
In Michael Kelly’s Reminiscences, the young tenor makes mention of an evening in Vienna, spent at the home of Stephen Storace. Storace was an Anglo-Italian impresario and composer, primarily of stage works. During a lull in production of one piece, he offered a quartet party to his friends, which was documented as follows by Mr. Kelly:
…Storace gave a quartett party to his friends. The players were tolerable, not one of them excelled on the instrument he played; but there was a little science among them, which I dare say will be acknowledged when I name them.
The First Violin……….Haydn
The Second Violin…….Baron Dittersdorf
The Violoncello…….….Vanhall
The Tenor………………Mozart
The poet Casti and Paesiello formed part of the audience. I was there, and a greater treat or a more remarkable one cannot be imagined.
Renowned Canadian actor R. H. Thomson animates our recreation of that evening. Featuring the music of the four composer/performers plus their contemporaries.
“Until some genius of quantum physics invents a time machine, this is the closest any of us is ever likely to get to feeling just how special that night in Vienna in 1784 really was.” - Deryk Barker, Victoria Times-Colonist